A Door Knock that saved her from Hellfire

A Door Knock that saved her from Hellfire

It was Friday, and a boy and his father came to the mosque to perform the Friday prayer. After every Friday prayer, Dawah activities took place in the surroundings of that Mosque. So, the boy and his father left the mosque and they had some pamphlets to distribute to people. The boy distributed all pamphlets except one. He looked around and did not find anyone to give the remaining pamphlet. He headed to a far place from the city and found a home to give that pamphlet.

What happened next, let’s listen to a new Muslim lady that narrates her story; she says:

“I lived lonely and apart from my family. No one was visiting me or keeping any sibling relationship with me. I got deeply depressed and full of tension and decided to commit suicide and finish my life, I went to a shop and bought a rope, tied it to the ceiling fan to hang myself.

While putting the rope around my neck, the door knocked once, twice then thrice, I told myself that I am at the last stage of my life, let’s open the door and look who is the knocking person. I opened the door and what was that a ten-year Muslim boy standing, holding a single pamphlet, he greeted me and showed a good attitude. He presented me the pamphlet and said: “Do you know ma’am that ALLAH LOVES YOU!!” As it was the title of that pamphlet as well. The moment I heard these amazing words from his mouth it felt like God sent him to me. I took the pamphlet and sat there & then and started reading it.

It was about Islam, the religion Allah chose for us, for the entire mankind, and what greatness this religion has. I didn’t know when the boy left but his arrival at my doorstep was the turning point of my life. As I was reading it, the tears were rolling down my eyes. Not because of what was written in it, but because of the time this was presented to me i.e. the moments before my death!

This incident made me quit my suicidal mission and search for more answers in regard to that little life-changing pamphlet. My quest led me to a nearby Mosque where I met with the Imam of the Mosque and straight away started asking questions about this amazing religion.

The more I asked, the more I fell in love with Islam and eventually accepted Islam as my religion and uttered the testimonial that (There is no true deity except Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is His Slave and Messenger).”

Who could have ever imagined that a lady, heading straight to hell fire, could have been saved at the very last moment before her suicide? This is what Allah thinks of you all the time i.e. your betterment and good!!

The love of 70 mothers (collectively) could have never justified the love that Allah (SWT) has for us and that is one special love.

Let’s Think!

There are many lessons for us in this story. We should know our duties and responsibilities about our religion. We must realize the importance of the good upbringing of our children and the significance of Dawah (inviting others to Islam).

Obviously, Allah (SWT) created both mankind and Jinn for many purposes. The basic aim of such creation is to believe in His Oneness and worship Him alone. Besides, He also imposed some duties and responsibilities on mankind. Among such is Dawah.

Dawah is defiantly the most virtuous and best deeds in the sight of Allah (SWT). This duty is highly praised both in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

Allah (SWT) says:

“And who is better in speech than he who [says: “My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness),” and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah’s (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: “I am one of the Muslims.” (Fussilat: 41:33)

And the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“By Allah, if Allah were to guide one man at your hand, it would be better for you than red camels.” (Al-Bukhari: 7301).

Such authentic proofs indicate and explain the importance of Dawah and its greatness. These also point out the greatness of those who invite or call others to the true religion of Islam.

Next, we will know the meaning of Dawah. What are the types of Dawah? Why is it important to invite others to this true and divine religion? What are the requirements for the correct manner of inviting others to Islam? What is the purpose of inviting? What are the rewards for such a significant deed?

What is Dawah?

In fact, the appropriate meaning of this term is, to invite non-Muslims to the true religion of Islam or to convey the divine message of Islam to those who do not believe in it. This term also applies to those deviated and sinful Muslims who need to be reminded of their sins and re-educated to be good and pious Muslims.

The Purpose of Dawah?

  • To elaborate and convey the message of Islam to all humanity and invite them to it.
  • To present the actual and authentic information about Islam with complete references and clear proofs.
  • Struggling for the integration of non-Muslims and disbelievers into the pure Muslim society.

As well as to clearly educate them about the Holy Prophet of Islam and his true Prophethood and Messenger-ship.

Manners of Inviting Others to Islam

Having Insight and Being Knowledgeable:

In the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) described the correct manners of engaging in Dawah. A person who invites others to Islam must have insight and knowledge about the truth to which he invites and guides others. He says:

“Say (O Muhammad PBUH): “This is my way; I invite to Allah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allah – Islamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge, I and whosever follow me (also must invite others to Allah – Islamic Monotheism with sure knowledge).” (Yusuf: 12:108).

The Prophet (PBUH) invited people to this religion with sure knowledge, certainty, and firm evidence. It was the practice of the Prophet (PBUH) till his death, and his companions (RA) also followed his way in this regard. They would learn the principle of Islam and would go back to their people to invite them to Islam and guide them to the Right Path.


Allah (SWT) also commanded His Prophet (PBUH) to invite people to this religion with wisdom. He says:

“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching.” (An-Nahl: 16:125).

A caller should make sensible decisions and give good advice at the correct time and place because of the knowledge and experience one has. Moreover, he must deal with them according to their character and level of understanding and must wait for the right opportunity to gain their trust and attention.

Arguing With the Best Manner:

Allah (SWT) says:

“And argue with them with that which is best.” (An-Nahl: 16:125).

A caller must keep in mind that if anyone wants to debate and argue with him, then let it be in the best manner, with kindness, gentleness, compassion, and good speech. He must avoid harshness which instigates bad feelings and hatred.

What Is The Reward For Fulfilling This Duty?

With regard to the reward, the beloved Prophet (PBUH) has said:

“Whoever leads to good, he is like the one who does it.” (At-Tirmidhi: 2670).

The performance of good deeds is a result of knowledge and acquaintance, so a person guiding to a good deed shares equal reward with the one who practices it.

Conclusion: A Door Knock that saved her from Hellfire

It is obligatory for every Muslim, whether male or female to invite to Islam and spread the true message of Islam in all walks of life and in every corner of the world. Such great work guides and reforms humanity. Surely, whoever invites non-Muslims or guides the sinners to the Right Path will receive countless rewards.

Because this world and all that it contains will perish but the reward of good deeds will remain permanent with our Lord and He will recompense us with it. Guiding others to the Way of Allah will lead us to Paradise and His Good Pleasure. As Muslims, we should learn Islam and act accordingly to its laws and principles. This will help us to invite others easily to our religion and gain immeasurable rewards both in this world and in the Hereafter.

Also Read: Relationship of Parents with Children

About The Author
A Door Knock that saved her from Hellfire
Article Name
A Door Knock that saved her from Hellfire
Dawah is to invite people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, to understand the sole purpose of life which is worship of Almighty Allah as explained in the Quran
Darussalam Blogs


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