Learn the History of Islam with Darussalam! Avail our new offers and discounts

Islamic Heritage Sale
How much do you know about early Islam? Are you aware of the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions? Or the major battles fought? There is so much to learn about the history of Islam. The figures that played instrumental roles, the achievements and tribulations faced. The best way to learn about all this is through a good book! Darussalam has got your back and has launched its new Islamic heritage sale! You can now get a flat 10 discount on all history books! Islamic heritage sale!We have a wide range of selections to choose from. Browse all the books by clicking here. In addition, we are also offering cashback coupons so that you can save on the total amount of your shopping. Simply meet the minimum spend requirements and apply the promo code at checkout. Details for the coupons are mentioned below. Saudi Arabia:
Cashback offer 1: Save: SAR20 Min Spend: SAR200 Promo code: CBHSA20
Cashback offer 2: Save: SAR45 Min Spend: SAR400 Promo code: CBHSA45
Cashback offer 3: Save: SAR85 Min Spend: SAR700 Promo code: CBHSA85
United Arab Emirates:
Cashback offer 1: Save: AED20 Min Spend: AED200 Promo code: CBHAE20
Cashback offer 2: Save: AED45 Min Spend: AED400 Promo code: CBHAE45
Cashback offer 3: Save: AED85 Min Spend: AED700 Promo code: CBHAE85
Cashback offer 1: Save: $5.33 Min Spend: $53.31 Promo code: CBHSA20
Cashback offer 2: Save: $11.99 Min Spend: $106.62 Promo code: CBHSA45
Cashback offer 3: Save: $22.66 Min Spend: $186.59 Promo code: CBHSA85
Cashback offer 1: Save: PKR150 Min Spend: PKR1,500 Promo code: CBHPK150
Cashback offer 2: Save: PKR275 Min Spend: PKR2,000 Promo code: CBHPK275
Cashback offer 3: Save: PKR600 Min Spend: PKR5,000 Promo code: CBHPK600
UK and Europe:
Cashback offer 1: Save: £3 Min Spend: £40 Promo code: CBHGB3
Cashback offer 2: Save: £5.5 Min Spend: £50 Promo code: CBHGB5
Cashback offer 3: Save: £12 Min Spend: £100 Promo code: CBCGB12
Best thing yet! This offer is valid for all regions! So get ready to shop at www.darussalamstore.com Read Our Blog Post Written on Dictionary of Islamic Words and Expressions This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Blog-Banner-1-696x329.png


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