How to Understand the Holy Quran as a Non-Arabic Speaker?

How to Understand the Holy Quran as a Non-Arabic Speaker?

It is certain that understanding the Quran is not in fact a difficult task. It is a very easy book for understanding and seeking advice. As Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

وَلَقَدۡ یَسَّرۡنَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ لِلذِّكۡرِ فَهَلۡ مِن مُّدَّكِرࣲ

“And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?”

(القمر: 17)

Who don’t ponder over Quranic verses, is warned by Allah of close heart which doesn’t accept the advice as Allah says:

Quranic verse

Although the language of the Qur’an is Arabic, it has been revealed to all human beings in different languages until the Day of Judgment. Verily, it doesn’t have deep meaning only for the Arabs but also for the Ajam (non-Arabs).

In spite of it being revealed in Arabic looking at the history of the Holy Quran and its interpretation, etc. done by non-Arabs is no doubt also a miracle.

This history indicates that learning and understanding the Qur’an in practice is also a very easy thing.

It is an undeniable fact that there is no book in the universe today other than the Holy Quran, which can be considered final and applicable to all humanity. This is what makes understanding the Quran word by word so important.

Initially, those who learn the Quran find it difficult to translate. In order to link the meaning of the two words, it is necessary to give a brief explanation along with them so that the common reader can easily understand the will of Allah. This work is possible when we translate every word of the Quran separately.

There is no doubt that there is no book in the universe today other than the Holy Quran, which can be considered a complete code of conduct. This honor belongs only to the Holy Quran. By following the teachings and understanding the Holy Quran, the Ummah can succeed in this world and the hereafter.

There is no doubt that there is no book in the universe today other than the Holy Quran,

The reason for the current humiliation and disgrace of the Muslim Ummah is that today the people of the Ummah have put the Quran al-Hakim behind them. People have resorted to the recitation of the Quran alone and don’t even attempt to understand the Quran word by word. In order to have deep faith it is necessary to be aware of its meanings.

Scholars agree that the translation of the Quran into any other language is not possible as it should be. However, the best efforts and methods of its interpreter can be adopted to ensure maximum accuracy.

This is the only thing in view of which translators of every age have been fortunate enough to present new Quranic translations. It has always been difficult for translators to translate the effect of revelation into another language.

The Arabic version of the Quran is the best as it’s the language of the original revelation but translation is a necessity due to the majority of Muslims being non-Arabic speakers so that they can easily recite and understand the Quran. Translations are what helps them understand the Quran word by word.

Quranic Verse About Reading Quran in Arabic

Do you know what the technical requirements for standard translation of the Quran are that can assist the reader in understanding the Quran word by word? Here are some guidelines concerning these requirements:

  • In translating the Holy Quran into other languages, Arabic words should be retained as much as possible because according to research, a large number of the words of the Holy Quran are being used in different languages.
  • The closer the other language translation is to the Arabic text, the more successful it will be in terms of its translation.
  • In translation, it is important to ignore every aspect that detracts from the meaning and significance.
  • Efforts should be made to maintain the intoxicating style and miracles of revelation in other translations.
  • In translation, the accuracy of the meaning should be given priority over the requirements of the language.
  • Simplicity, fluency, and convenience should be taken into consideration in the language of translation to ensure an accurate understanding of the Quran word by word.
  • If a single Arabic word can be translated into more than one word of other languages, then the most suitable word should be selected keeping in view the context of the Arabic text.
  • The rules and regulations should be observed in translation. For this, it is necessary to go beyond ‘Sarf and Nahw’.

These are just some of the goals to keep in mind when translating the Quran. Now which translations are included in the existing commentaries and translations in this manner? This is a different topic.

Darussalam is one of the leading printing houses in the world of Islam and whose purpose is to present the call of the Quran and Sunnah to the general Muslims with reference to modern resources. The founder of Darussalam Abdul Malik Mujahid, belongs to the family of servants and listeners of the Holy Quran and has played an instrumental role in helping people understand the Quran. 

Abdul Malik Mujahid

As a result of his special attention, Darussalam has made every effort possible to ensure that people are able to understand the Quran word by word and follow its teachings.

By the grace of Allah Almighty, he had the privilege of living in the religious and global environment of Saudi Arabia for a long time and then he set up an institution for the publication of the Quran and Sunnah.

With Allah’s help, Darussalam published several variants of the Qur’an for new Muslims and for prominent Muslim scholars categorically.

For the people who are very new and eager to learn  and understand the Holy Quran, Darussalam provides them these important copies of the Holy Quran to learn and understand It without any slip of faith, the bias of sects and in the light of direct sources of interpretation as well as the guidelines of the Salaf:

01). Qurani Qaida

The Holy Quran is the only book in the world that has rules and regulations for reciting. No book in the world has this honor. Young Muslim children practice reading the Quran with rules and regulations at an early age when they can’t even read in their mother tongue properly.


This is because the Quran is the word of Allah Almighty and He Himself has pronounced these words and has also commanded us to recite this Quran in the same way.

If anyone does not recite the Quran with its rules and regulations, it is very possible that the pronunciation of his words will change and he will start uttering the words with his tongue which will change the meaning of Allah Almighty. In this way, this person can commit a sin and receive torment instead of a reward.

The team of Darussalam Research Center has developed this “Qaidah” with some important qualities which are summarized below.

  • At the beginning of the lessons, necessary instructions are given to teachers and students.
  • The lessons are highlighted in the form of exercises through different colors.
  • Full guidance on how to spell and combine the words together has been provided.
  • Quranic examples are carefully explained in the lessons and non-Quranic words are avoided.
  • Important rules about Tajweed and Makharij al-Huruf have been explained.
  • The difference between reading and written words has been explained as well as the method of diction.
  • There are some words in the Holy Quran which are difficult to pronounce, and their pronunciation has been highlighted.
  • “Waqf” (stopping) and “Waqf” codes are explained in detail.
  • In the end, Masnoon prayers like Ayat-ul-Kursi, Qunoot Witr, Masnoon Dua of Sajda Tilawat, and Masnoon Dua of Funeral Prayers have also been added.

This Qaidah is perfect for children, to teach them how to read the Quran so that they may recite it in Arabic and eventually understand the Quran’s message.

Also Read: An Inspiration to the World: Understanding the Essence of Seerah

02). Tarjama Quran (Word for Word) معاني القرآن الكريم

This Quran is a modern way of learning the translation of the Holy Quran in which word-for-word, fluent Urdu translation with Quranic grammar is a special gift for teachers, students, and the general public.

Tarjama Quran (Word for Word) معاني القرآن الكريم

The nature of this Quran is that every Quranic word is in the box and in the sub-box there is an easy translation of that word. Translation carries the characteristics of the grammatical rules which helps the reader learn Arabic grammar too.

These are the short basic rules and Arabic grammar for learning the direct translation of the Qur’an in this copy. These rules consist of 30 pages.

The history of this translation is also mentioned in the end through which the reader can come to know the authenticity of this translation.

It will be very useful to study the translation of the Qur’an under the supervision of Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf حفظه الله, in the name of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an. It has adopted the style of literal translation, which makes it easier to understand the Qur’an and its meaning.

03). Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan (English)

Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf رحمه الله, a well-known Quran Interpreter of Pakistan, had written interpretation footnotes on the same method and style in Urdu language and Darussalam published this interpretation with the title Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan which is so appropriate in terms of the art of interpretation that King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran has printed it and distributed it all over the world in different languages for free of cost.

Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan (English)

The copy of the Qur’an that was being published before this Qur’an had a lot of intellectual and doctrinal weaknesses. This Qur’an is free from all slips of thought and belief.

This interpretation is derived from both the method of Tafseer, al-Mathoor (interpretation from the direct sources; Quran and Sunnah) and al-Rai (the correct interpretation through the method of elicitation) and clarifies the meaning of the Qur’an in a very comprehensive way. This Tafseer is great for beginners and non-Arabic speakers to understand the Quran.

Also Read: The Significance of Laylatul Qadr: A Night Better than a Thousand Months

04). Study the Noble Quran Word for Word

Initially, those who learn the Quran find it difficult to translate. As well as translating verbatim, its true interpretation is not realized until it is translated fluently.


In order to link the meaning of the two words, it is necessary to give a brief explanation along with them so that the common reader can easily understand the will of Allah. This work is possible when we translate every word of the Quran separately and look at the overall idiomatic translation 

For this, Darussalam published the Quran containing the same characteristics with the title Study the Noble Quran Word for Word in the English language. This Quran is a modern way of learning the translation of the Holy Quran in which word-for-word, fluent English translation with Quranic grammar is a special gift for teachers, students, and English speakers.

The nature of this Quran is that every Quranic word is in the box and in the sub-box there is an easy translation of that word. Translation carries the characteristics of the grammatical rules which give the readers to learn Arabic grammar as well.

This splendid work is one of the great emanate efforts of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan. His most famous works are The Noble Quran and Summarized Sahih Bukhari.

These are not the only books and resources that can be used to learn and understand the Quran as a non-Arabic Speaker. In fact, there are a number of Qurans, tafsirs, and Qaidahs that are useful for this purpose.

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How to Understand the Holy Quran as a Non-Arabic Speaker?
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How to Understand the Holy Quran as a Non-Arabic Speaker?
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