Hajj, Umrah and Ziyarah (Hajj and Umrah Series)

hajj umrah and ziyarah

Name:   Hajj, Umrah and Ziyarah

Author: Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz

Publisher: Darussalam Publishers.

Link:  http://www.darussalampublishers.com/e-books-hajj-umrah/hajj-umrah-ziyarah

This is it! ‘Hajj, Umrah and Ziyarah’ is a complete guide book written by Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz. Author being an authority on Islamic law and jurisprudence ascertains that this book is not only informative but contains authentic content as well. After first publication in 1363 Hijri, it perceived as credible content on the subject that received encouraging response from the readers. As a result, author elaborated some significant topics and included more content as per readers demand and request.

What The Book Contains:

As name implies, this book covers all necessary aspects of performing the Holy rituals of Hajj and Umrah. Ziyarah (visiting other Holy places) is one of the important phases when it comes about Hajj is also covered in this book.

Containing seven chapters, this book outlines all important actions to be executed before, during and after accomplishment of Hajj and Umrah. It encloses brief and clear guidelines about important matters of Hajj, Umrah and Ziyarah. All related issues to this imperative Islamic ritual are explained well in the light of Qur’an & Sunnah.

Conversion into E-book:

In present era of advanced technology, number of e-readers is growing immensely. Keeping in view the fact and demand from people across the globe, Darussalam Publishers has translated numerous Arabic books into English. In line with that the latest version of ‘Verifying and Explaining Many Matters of Hajj, Umrah and Ziyarah’ is now also available in digital format for modern readers.

With simple and easy to read language, this beautifully designed e-book encompasses all-inclusive ingredients of Hajj Umrah & Ziyarah along with directions and etiquettes for pilgrims. References to the original sources are also included herein.

Its easy availability in electronic form has greatly leveled up the popularity ratio especially among young generation. Now any e-reader can get hold on this noteworthy book from Amazon Kindle store. For book details Click Here.


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