Worship and its Concept in Islam


It is to worship Allah (SWT) in meaning and reality. Allah (SWT) is the Lord and Creator and we are the creatures; we are His slaves and He is the One that we worship. If this is the case, we all should then follow the Right and Straight Path of our Creator in this worldly life, follow His Laws and the Sunnah of His beloved Messenger and Prophet (PBUH) and obey them both in all circumstances.

Allah (SWT) has ordained great laws for His slaves like belief in His Oneness, establishing prayers, giving Zakat (obligatory charity), observing fast and performing Hajj.

However, the above-mentioned are not the only acts of worship in Islam. Worship in Islam is more broad and comprehensive. It is all the Allah our Supreme Lord loves and is pleased with acts, deeds and sayings both apparent and hidden.

So, every single act that we do or saying that we say that loves Allah (SWT) and He is pleased with is called worship in Islam. Even, every good and virtuous habit that we do with an intention to please our Allah (SWT) is worship.

Our good and kind relationship with our parents, family members, spouse, children and neighbors if we seek by that the Good Pleasure of our Lord is worship. Our pleasant conduct at home, in the marketplace and office, done only for the sake of Allah (SWT) is worship.

Fulfilling the trust, being truthful and just,  refraining from harming others, assisting the weak, poor and the needy, earning through lawful means, spending on our family and children, showing sympathy to others, visiting and supplicating for the sick, feeding the hungry and helping the wronged one all acts of worship if done only for the sake of Allah (SWT).

So, all types of deeds that we do either for ourselves, family, society or the community and even for our country in which we intend to win the Good Pleasure of our Lord are acts and works of worship.

Even to fulfil our personal passion in a lawful way is an act of worship if we do that with a good intention. This is based on the following saying of the beloved Prophet (PBUH):

“And (the intimacy of one of you with his wife) is a charity.” The companions said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger (PBUH)! If one of us fulfils his desire, will he be rewarded for that?’ He said: ‘Do you not see that if he did it in an unlawful manner, there would be a burden of sin on him for that? Similarly, if he does it in a lawful manner, he will be rewarded for it.’” (Muslim 1006).

This Hadith indicates that fulfilling one’s personal passion in a lawful manner and way and with good intention is a charity and an act of worship. It can be an act of worship if one intends to fulfil the rights of his spouse. Treating one’s wife with kindness and a good manner is an act of worship that Allah (SWT) enjoined upon His slaves. Seeking righteous child and guarding chastity and gaze from unlawful things are also from the acts of worship in Islam.

The Prophet (PBUH) also said:

“Every Muslim must give charity.”

It was asked: “ What if he cannot find (anything to give)?”.  The Prophet (PBUH) replied:

“Let him work with his hands and benefit himself and give in charity.”

It was asked: “What if he cannot do that?”. The Prophet (PBUH) replied:

“Let him help someone who is in desperate need.”

It was asked: “what if he cannot do that?”. The Prophet (PBUH) replied:

“Let him enjoin good.”

It was asked: “What if he cannot do that?” The Prophet (PBUH) replied:

“Let him refrain from doing evil, for that is an act of charity.” (Al-Bukhari 1445).

In short, worship in Islam, by all types and means, trains us in such a manner that we love our Creator most and achieve His Good Pleasure and great rewards both in this world and in the Hereafter. By worshipping Allah (SWT) sincerely we can wipe out evils and oppression from our societies and make the Word of Allah (SWT) uppermost and dominant in the world.

About The Author
Worship and its Concept in Islam
Article Name
Worship and its Concept in Islam
Worship in Islam, by all means trains us in such a manner that we love our Creator and achieve his great rewards both in this world and in the Hereafter.


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