6 Rights of a Muslim over another Muslim

6 Rights of a Muslim over another Muslim

There are some matters that take place in our daily lives and they are a means to express a Muslim’s mutual relation, love, compassion, and affection and the performance of such matters increases and flourishes our daily social life. Besides these matters, there are some rights of every individual Muslim over his Muslim brother, which must be fulfilled and carried out and due to their importance such rights and matters should be cared for extraordinarily. Fulfillment of such rights and abidance by these etiquettes is an act of worship of Allah (SWT) through which we can seek the Good Pleasure of Him.

The following six Muslims Brotherhood rights are mentioned in a Hadith collectively.

muslim brotherhood in islam

Greeting a Muslim

A Muslim should greet his Muslim fellow when he meets him by saying: “As-Salamu Alaykum Warahmatullah.”  (Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you), and they are allowed to shake their hands.  His Muslim fellow is then obliged to say by respond: “Wa alaykumussalamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.” (And peace and mercy of Allah be upon you too). It is due to the following statement of Allah (SWT):

“When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally.” (An-Nisa 4:86).

In fact, greeting and sending the salutation of peace and mercy is one of the acts of worship that increases and brings about love for the sake of Allah (SWT) and a cause of true faith, which results in entering Paradise with peace.

A rider should greet the walking one, it will create a sense of humbleness and humility, a walking person should greet the sitting one because he is the one who is coming, and a smaller group of people should greet the large number of people in their respect, and the young would prove politeness and respect by greeting the elders.

A Muslim should greet or say Salam both when joining and leaving a meeting, both are important and essential; it has reward and righteousness and also the supplication for good and peace.

Accepting the Invitation

If a Muslim invites his Muslim fellow for food, feast, or drink then the invited person must respond positively to his invitation. He should respect his brother and fulfill his rights and only excuse himself if he has a real excuse.

The invited person should not differentiate between being invited by a poor person or a rich person. Not responding to the invitation of a poor person will break his heart and it is a kind of arrogance.

In the case of two simultaneous invitations in a day, the invited person should not distinguish between an invitation that is near or close by and the one that is farther away. He must respond to the invitation, which he received first, and apologize to the latter.

Giving Sincere Advice

A Muslim should give sincere advice whenever he asked for advice. If a Muslim seeks another Muslim’s advice on any matter or affair, then a person whose advice is sought must tell him what he believes is best for him in his matters and affairs.

One should advise his Muslim brother with the same advice that he would value for himself. He should explain to him the good and bad of the situation accordingly.

A person whose advice is sought; his sincerity, honesty, and trustworthiness are trusted. Therefore, he should give good advice with full trustworthiness and honesty. If it is something secret it should not be disclosed. Carelessness about these things is regarded as dishonesty.

Replying To Him If He Sneezes

If a Muslim sneeze, he should say ‘Al-Hamdu-lillah’ (praise be to Allah), and his (Muslim) brother or companion should say to him ‘Yar-hamukallah’ (may Allah bestow His Mercy on you). When the latter says ‘Yar-hamukallah’, the former should say ‘Yah-dikumullah wa Yuslih Balakum’ (may Allah give guidance and improve your condition).

He who thanks and praises Allah after sneezing acting upon the saying of the Prophet (PBUH) should be given a supplication of good to the Sunnah. A person who does not say ‘Al-Hamdulillah’ (all thanks and praise are due to Allah) does not deserve the supplication; if he is ignorant he should be taught.

If a disbeliever sneezes in the presence of a believer, the believer should not say ‘Yarhamukallah’ (may Allah have mercy on you). Instead, the supplication for his guidance and Faith may be made.

It is Sunnah that a person should keep the sound minimal and suppressed while sneezing, especially when he is in a gathering he should cover his face with a hand or a cloth.

Sneezing for the state of health and joy is a mercy and grace of Allah because it lightens the brain and it feels comfortable; if the mists of the nose are not released and the wetness remains stuck, the person will feel discomfort and illness. So Allah likes sneezing, that is why praising and thanking Allah is commanded for it, whereas yawning is a sign of laziness and boredom, therefore, Allah dislikes it.

Visiting Him If He Falls Sick

If a Muslim fells sick, then it is incumbent upon his Muslim fellow to visit him. When a Muslim goes to visit someone who is sick he gets a reward from Allah (SWT). Each of his steps brings a reward from Allah (SWT). If a person visits a sick person and consoles him and says mild and good words to solace his feelings he will get a reward from Allah (SWT). There are many Ahadith, which prove that health is from Allah and being healthy or sick, in every condition, and in every situation, one has to pray to Allah alone, as only Allah cures the sick.

It is also suitable for the one who visits his sick brother to supplicate for him to get better and well soon. One should recite Ruqyah for it is not prohibited and it is not against faith.

Visiting a Muslim brother in his illness and maintaining relations with him for the sake of Allah are acts that prompt the angel to supplicate for him and since the angel is appointed by Allah his supplication is sure to be answered by Allah.

Attending the Funeral

A Muslim should witness his Muslim fellow’s funeral when he dies. It is due to the above-mentioned Hadith.

Offering the funeral of a Muslim is necessary, similarly burying him is also necessary. The assistance of the Muslims is required for both responsibilities, so a struggle is made to attend the funeral prayer hoping for a great reward from Allah (SWT), likewise one must try his best to help in digging the grave, burying the dead, and leveling the grave according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

Fulfilling the above-mentioned rights actually contain an abundance of good and result in a great reward from Allah (SWT).

Also Read: The Rights & Status of Women in Islam

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6 Rights of a Muslim over another Muslim
Article Name
6 Rights of a Muslim over another Muslim
Strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. Learn about the 6 essential rights a Muslim holds over another, rooted in Islamic teachings.
Darussalam Blog


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