Allah Almighty has challenged the people of this world to bring an example like the Quran. No human can accept this challenge. The Quran is a complete and final divine book that is applicable to all humans of all times.
The Quran is indeed a unique book which cannot be compared with others. It’s the word of Allah Almighty himself and all Muslims have utmost faith in this Holy book. We Muslims, are commanded to ponder over its verses and learn the Quran. As Allah says:
Yes, the recitation of the Quran is important however we can not just spend our life aimlessly reading the Quran when the true spirit of Islam is to understand the message behind the verse. It is impossible to ponder over the Quran without its correct interpretation. It is an obligation of every Muslim to find and learn the Quran with its correct interpretation. If a person misinterprets the Quran, he or she may be liable for punishment. That’s what makes it so important to understand the verses correctly. There are a number of tafsir quran available which can be referred to understand the Quran.
Allah Almighty has promised to preserve the Quranic words as well as its interpretation. Till the end of times, there will be no change in its words. It will forever be safe from alteration. Allah Almighty says:
لَا تُحَرِّكۡ بِهِۦ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعۡجَلَ بِهِۦۤ إِنَّ عَلَیۡنَا جَمۡعَهُۥ وَقُرۡءَانَهُۥ فَإِذَا قَرَأۡنَـٰهُ فَٱتَّبِعۡ قُرۡءَانَهُۥ ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَیۡنَا بَیَانَهُۥ
Do not rush your tongue trying to memorize ˹a revelation of˺ the Quran. It is certainly upon Us to ˹make you˺ memorize and recite it. So once We have recited a revelation ˹through Gabriel˺, follow its recitation ˹closely˺. Then it is surely upon Us to make it clear (interpret it for you) ˹to you˺.
(القيامة: 16-19)
An important question that comes to mind is how is the Quran interpreted? How do we come to learn the message of the Quran and the meaning of the verses?
The meaning of the Quran is derived from a number of sources. The method of Allah’s interpretation is that some verses of the Quran interpret others. The Quran itself is interpreted from many of the instructions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. There is no ambiguity about these two sources of Tafsir Quran. Another source of Quranic commentary is the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Companions. The Companions are among the first addressees of the Holy Quran. Every command of the Quran is drawn to them first. Since the companions are from the time of the revelation of the Holy Quran, they are considered to be a trusted source. They have a good idea of what the verse means and about whom it was revealed, where it was revealed and when it was revealed. They are aware of the rules and regulations on the basis of which interpretations are given.
The Salaf instructed many rules and regulations about the interpretation of the Quran in detail. All these rules are helpful in the correct method of Tafsir Quran. There are many books on the rules and regulations of the interpretation of the Holy Quran. If all the rules derived from these books are applied to any interpretation, we would end up with a great tafsir but only scholars would be able to understand it. It would be too difficult for the majority of the people which destroys the whole purpose of a tafsir Quran, since they are supposed to help people learn the Quran and its meaning.
Among the famous interpreters of the Quran according to the above-mentioned method, Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir bin Abdullah bin Nasir as-Sa’di رحمه الله has a graceful status. He wrote a tafsir with the Arabic title تيسير الكريم الرحمن في تفسير كلام المنان which is also widely known as تفسير السعدي (Tafsir As-Sa’di).
Tafsir As-Sadi is a straightforward, easy to read, easy to understand explanation of the meaning of Qur’ânic Ayất and statements. In addition to the simplicity of Ibn Sa’di writing, it is also articulate and eloquent. Consequently, for those newly acquainted with Tafsir and those new to Islam, this Tafsir provides an uncomplicated, deep and insightful comprehension into the meaning and explanation of the Qur’ân.
The uniqueness of this Tafsir is in the style the Shaikh used to explain the Ayât in a way that it is similar to everyday writing. without listing the various prophetic sayings or statements of the scholars of Tafsir, which Shaikh Ibn Sa’di used as a basis of his Tafsir Quran.
Sheikh as-Sa’di رحمه الله was born in 1307 AH (1887) and died in 1376 AH (1954). He was an orphan yet brilliant in his early age. He memorized the Holy Quran when he was only 11 years old as well as had a strong grip on the sciences of the Quran. He was the author of more than 15 books which gained wide fame in the world. He was the pupil of sheikh Shanqiti رحمه الله and had a thorough knowledge of the Imam ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله and Ibn Qayyim’s رحمه الله books.
Though the whole of the Quran is important for every Muslim, the last three parts of the Quran are some what difficult yet very important. All the topics which the Quran contains are briefly mentioned in only these parts. If a student or any Muslim learn these parts perfectly, he would be able to learn the rest of the Quran very easily.
These parts are consistently recited in the jahar prayers (salah of fajr, Maghrib and Isha). So, if anyone studies these parts to ponder over its verses, he would be able to get the real taste of the Salah as he would now know exactly what he is reciting.
These Parts (28, 29, 30) are translated from Arabic to English by Jalal Abualrub and Darussalam published them with high beautiful graphics and illustrations. Everything is clear to understand and many useful additions have been added.
This tafsir Quran has 478 pages in a single volume and contains only the last three parts of the Holy Quran which are the most important from an educational point of view.
For the ease of readers here are some extracts from the tafsir so that the readers know the importance of this tafsir:
Alläh says, while explaining the ignorance of the stubborn regarding their yearning in haste for His punishment due to their mockery, obstinate stance and simply challenging Alläh, [A questioner asked). Someone posted a question and initiated a query, concerning a torment about to befall, Upon the disbelievers}, who deserve the punishment on account of their disbelief and defrance, which none can avert From Allahl. Surely, there Is no averting thrs torment, which some rebellious polytheists asked to be hastened, either before or after it comes. For instance, An-Nadhr Ibn ALHanth rom Quraish OF another polytherst JAbu lahl, according to a Hadith collected by Bukhari], invoked Allah by saving,
اللَّهُمَّ إنْ كانَ هذا هو الحَقَّ مِن عِندِكَ فأمْطِرْ عَلَيْنا حِجارَةً مِنَ السَّماءِ، أوِ ائْتِنا بعَذابٍ ألِيمٍ
(“O Allâh! If this (the Qur’àn) Is indeed the truth (revealed) from You, then rain down stones on us from the sky or bring on us a painful torment.”} (8.32) Consequently, the punishment will indeed come from Allah [to those who ask for it.] either by it being hastened on them in this life or delayed for them until the Hereafter Had they known Alláh and recognized His greatness, wide kingship, and perfect names and attributes, they would not have been…
Which surahs are exactly covered in this part of the volume set?
Take a look at the list below to review the surahs of the Quran covered in this book.
- سورة المجادلة
- سورة الحشر
- سورة الممتحنة
- سورة الصف
- سورة الجمعة
- سورة المنافقون
- سورة التغابن
- سورة الطلاق
- سورة التحريم
- سورة الملك
- سورة القلم
- سورة الحاقة
- سورة المعارج
- سورة نوح
- سورة الجن
- سورة المزمل
- سورة المدثر
- سورة القيامة
- سورة الإنسان
- سورة المرسلات
- سورة النبأ
- سورة النازعات
- سورة عبس
- سورة التكوير
- سورة الإنفطار
- سورة المطففين
- سورة الإنشقاق
- سورة البروج
- سورة الطارق
- سورة الأعلى
- سورة الغاشية
- سورة الفجر
- سورة البلد
- سورة الشمس
- سورة الليل
- سورة الضحى
- سورة الشرح
- سورة التين
- سورة العلق
- سورة القدر
- سورة البينة
- سورة الزلزلة
- سورة العاديات
- سورة القارعة
- سورة التكاثر
- سورة العصر
- سورة الهمزة
- سورة الفيل
- سورة قريش
- سورة الماعون
- سورة الكوثر
- سورة الكافرون
- سورة النصر
- سورة المسد
- سورة الإخلاص
- سورة الفلق
- سورة الناس
As seen from the above list, although this particular part of the volume does not contain all the Quranic surahs, but is still quite comprehensive.
The book can be bought from Darussalam stores or online from Darussalam’s website.
Read Our Blog on Qurani Qaidah
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